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Director’s Home

National League of Junior Cotillions
Nashville Chapter


The purpose of the National League of Junior Cotillions program is to give young people instruction and practice in the courtesies that make life more pleasant for them and those around them, to give them thorough training in standard ballroom dance, and to provide opportunities to practice and enjoy these skills.  The program is designed for students to be able to learn over several years to continue to build their poise, confidence, and character.  


➡️ Pre-Cotillion I is for rising 1st & 2nd graders. The Pre-Cotillion Program encourages children to be comfortable together while making new friends and enjoying themselves. They will learn through role play and peer groups, and young ladies and gentlemen are expected to leave the program with the beginnings of confidence and poise of knowing what to do in social situations.  Some of the subjects covered are:  Manners in the home, Being introduced and shaking hands, Paying and receiving compliments, Birthday Party etiquette, and Basic table manners.  The Tuition for Pre-Cotillion I is $250. (If you pay by credit card, the card processing fee is added to your tuition).  Spots are not held unless you have both paid and registered and spots fill up quickly.  Staffing, supplies, and venue contracts are made by April 1st for Pre-Cotillion so there will be no refunds if you drop after that date.  Thank you for your understanding.  

➡️ Pre-Cotillion II is for rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.  Building on the Pre-Cotillion I program, this program reinforces the social skills learned in Pre-1.  Students who did not have an opportunity to Pre-I are able to participate.  Students will also learn the basics of the electric slide dance to prepare them for Junior Cotillion.  Some of what the students will learn is:  Greeting and shaking hand, Rules of introductions, Sports etiquette, Fast Food etiquette, More advanced table manners, Basic line dance.  The Tuition for Pre-Cotillion II is $250. (If you pay by credit card, the card processing fee is added to your tuition).  Spots are not held unless you have both paid and registered and spots fill up quickly.  Staffing, supplies, and venue contracts are made by April 1st for Pre-Cotillion so there will be no refunds if you drop after that date.  Thank you for your understanding.

 Gentlemen Dress Code Day 1


➡️ Junior Cotillion Year I -For Rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  The season consists of seven events–five once-a-month classes a Holiday dance where they will practice their skills, and a Grand Ball which is the final event of the year.  Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and are balanced evenly between girls and boys.  The Tuition for Year I is $475.00   (If you pay by credit card, the card processing fee is added to your tuition).  

YEAR I- You are committing to bring your child to a class each month for a 90 minute class for 5 months from September until February and to the Ball in late Feb.  Yeart I Students are placed with fellow classmates unless a parent has requested something different in advance.  Our class times are assigned on August 15th based on what will best balance the ratio.  Students are often involved in multiple activities.  They are asked to come during their assigned class time, but when a conflict arises, parents are able to request one of the other time slots for a specific date. There are generally 5 to 6 class times available for our Year I students.  If a student has a standing conflict that needs to be worked around, please inform the office prior to August 1st to find a time that will work.  Spots are not held unless you have both paid and registered and spots fill up quickly.  Staffing, supplies, and venue contracts are made by June 1st for Junior Cotillion so there will be no refunds if you drop after that date.  Thank you for your understanding.  

The Junior Cotillion Year II program is for students who have completed Year 1,  it is a year of learning more advanced formal skills.  The curriculum includes  Table manners and food etiquette questions and answers, the art of polite conversation,  formal table settings, telephone & electronic courtesies, manners in the home and public places, proper introductions, dress codes, job interview skills, first impressions, conversation and behavior in the workplace, and ladies and gentlemen together.  More advanced ballroom dance steps and combinations in the fox trot, cha cha, and beach shag.  The Year II students also enjoy a formal, seated 5-course tutorial dinner before the Grand Ball. The Tuition for Year II is $475.00  (If you pay by credit card, a card processing fee is added to your tuition).  Please note, that this class is generally held at 8 pm.  However, the official class time will be set on August 15th once we know how many students are attending.  The dates are generally posted in January, well in advance of the season so that parents may plan accordingly to commit their student to one 60-minute class per month.  There will be no refunds after June 1st as staffing, supplies, and venue contracts are made by June 1st.   Note this class usually meets at 8 pm.

Junior Cotillion Registration generally opens up in January and Invitations are sent out April 1st for the following fall season and continue until enrollment is full.  Registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis based on when both tuition payment and registration were received.  It is important to register as soon as possible as spots fill quickly.  

Thank you for your interest in Junior Cotillion!  

Suzette Tucker Wimpy

[email protected]

24-25 Advisory Board NW

⬅️ Look to the tab on the left for more information about the classes.  

Image title

Link to read the Feature Article May 2022 Ladies' Edition of YOUR Williamson Pages 72-73 or 

Link directly to "A Southern Gentleman Is..." feature online:

shaking hands

JUNIOR COTILLION YEAR I DATES FOR 2024-25 (6th-8th graders) season will be released in January or as soon as all schools finalize their calendars.  Year I class times are generally held once per month between September and February and generally held at either- 8 am, 10 am, Noon, 2 pm, 4 pm, or 6 pm.  Students are assigned to class times with their schoolmates unless a parent requests otherwise during registration.  Class times are not assigned until mid-August.  Friday Year I classes will only be offered if needed based on total membership.  Class Times will not be assigned until August 15th.  Students are matched with other students from the same school unless otherwise requested at the time of registration.  Schools are combined based on what balances the ladies-to-gentlemen ratio the best.

2024-25 Junior Cotillion Season, Important Dates:

• Advisory Board Member Meeting, April 9th, 2024 at 6 pm (Martin Center) 
• Parents Informational Open House April 9th, 2024 at 7 pm (Martin Center) 
• Junior Cotillion Invites Mailed April 1, 2024 to current 5th graders
• Junior Cotillion Sign-Ups Due by May 1st, 2024
• Acceptance Postcards for students who registered by May 1, Sent on Mail May 15th, 2024 

• Class Times Sent (email) August 15, 2024
• Classes begin in September
• Waitlist—Once we are full, students go on a waitlist until a space or class opens up.


*****As of 8/21/24:  There is very limited space for ladies in groups 3, 4, and 7 for the 2024-25 season.  There is no more room in groups 2 or 6 for ladies for this season.  There IS space in all groups for Gentlemen for this season.  ******

JUNIOR COTILLION YEAR I DATES FOR 2024-25 (6th-8th graders) season will be released in January or as soon as all schools finalize their calendars.  Year I class times are generally held once per month between September and February and generally held at either- 8 am, 10 am, Noon, 2 pm, 4 pm, or 6 pm.  Students are assigned to class times with their schoolmates unless a parent requests otherwise during registration.  Class times are not assigned until mid-August.  

YEAR I DATES           CLASS                             LOCATION:  The Martin Center, 960 Heritage Way, Brentwood. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024       1  Introduction Class        The Martin Center

Saturday, October 19, 2024         2  Autumn Class                 The Martin Center

Saturday, November 2, 2024       3  Thanksgiving Class       The Martin Center

Saturday, December 7, 2024       Holiday Dance                The Martin Center

Saturday, January 11, 2025          4 Winter Class                   The Martin Center

Saturday, February 1, 2025          5   Valentine’s Class           The Martin Center

Friday Year I classes will only be offered if needed based on total membership.

Saturday, February 22, 2025         Grand Ball  Year 1   Location: TBD. **There may be an additional ball date for Year I, but that will be determined based on total membership. Year I students will be assigned their official ball date by November 1st.


YEAR II  SCHEDULE:      CLASS             LOCATION:   The Martin Center, 960 Heritage Way, Brentwood. 

JUNIOR COTILLION YEAR II DATES FOR 2024-25 season  (7th-9th graders who have completed year I)  will be released in January or as soon as all schools finalize their calendars.  Year I class times are generally held once per month between September and February and generally held at 8 pm to prevent it from interfering with the other activities they have during the day.  Students are assigned to class times with their schoolmates unless a parent requests otherwise during registration.  Class times are not assigned until mid-August.  

Saturday, September 7, 2024     1  Back to Basic Class 

Saturday, October 19, 2024     2  Positive First Impressions         

Saturday, November 2, 2024    3  Dressing for Success 

Saturday, December 7, 2024     Holiday Dance

Saturday, January 11, 2025       4  Social Networking 

Saturday, February 1, 2025       5  Table Skills/Dining Etiquette 

    Class & Holiday Dance Location: The Martin Center, 960 Heritage Way, Brentwood. 

    Black and White Ball & Five Course Instructional Dinner:  Friday, February 21, 2024, 6:00-9:00 pm at Richland Country Club.


Sara Seiberling, Former Director

24-25 Board


PRE-COTILLION RISING GRADES 1-5 is taught in the summers over three consecutive days.  In the fall, we will teach one class per month for the months of October November and December.   We will announce our Summer 2025 dates in October.  Email us at [email protected] OR call us 615-604-1185 to be on the notification list.  Let us know what school your child attends and their first and last name.  


FALL PRE-COTILLION DATES  LOCATION:   The Martin Center, 960 Heritage Way, Brentwood. 

    Class 1 Saturday October 19th, 2024

    Class 2: Saturday November 2, 2024

    Class 3: Saturday December 7, 2024


A.  8:00 am-9:30 am         1st & 2nd

B. 10:00 am-11:30 am     3rd, 4th, 5th

C.  NOON-  1:30 pm         3rd, 4th, 5th 

D.  2:00 pm-3:30 pm      3rd, 4th, 5th 


 (Based on what Grade Level will be in Fall of 2025)


1. May 28-30, 2025       Richland Country Club Nashville 

2. June 3, 4, 5, 2025        FSSD Performing Arts Center, Franklin. 

3. TBD                           TBD WILL ANNOUNCE IN OCTOBER 

4. TBD                          TBD WILL ANNOUNCE IN OCTOBER 

CHOOSE TIME          by       GRADE:

A.  9:00 am-10:30 am        1st & 2nd Grade    

B. 11:00 am-12:30 pm      3rd, 4th or 5th 

C.  1:00 pm- 2:30 pm        3rd, 4th or 5th 

D.  3:00 pm- 4:30 pm        3rd, 4th or 5th


Year 1 Classes are for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.   They will be assigned with other students from their school unless another request is made at the time of registration.  

Year II Classes will be limited to students who have completed the Year I Season.  

We highly recommend that you send in your registration early because:

  • Class sizes are limited and are filled on a first come, first served basis based on the date we received BOTH registration and payment.

  • Classes are filled according to the date the tuition is received. 

  • Registration and tuition payment should be received at our office by May 1st 

If you have registered and Paid prior to May 1st --> Acceptance Postcards mail out May 15th to the students.   Class times are assigned in August and you will receive that informaton via the email you provided at registration.   

WAITLIST--If you register after May 1st, you are placed on a waiting list until another boy/girl registers to even the ratio.  You must pay tuition and register to be placed on the waiting list.    You may not receive an acceptance notice until mid August in this case or remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up. If a spot does not open up by September 1st, your tuition will be refunded.  

We do encourage you to always check your email from us. Always check your email and our FB Page 30 minutes prior to leaving to come to any class or event as we will notify you via email and that page of any sudden changes.   We generally send only 2 emails per month with important tips, updates, any changes, and any assignments for you to follow up on with your child.  

HOMESCHOOLERS are Welcome !  Please register based on either where your school is located or where you live in this case if Williamson or Davidson Counties.  If in an adjacent county, call the office first so we can help find the best chapter for you.

If you attend a school in Davidson or Williamson County and do not see your school listed on the registration page, please call the office.  615 604-1185

About Director

In 1995 Sara M. Seiberling started the Junior Cotillion program for NLJC in both Davidson and Williamson Counties.  Since then over 13,000 students have been through her local classes.  In 2009,  Kevin and Suzette Wimpy began doing formal portraits of attendees at the Grand Ball each year.  They witnessed firsthand the impact that the curriculum was making on the children being taught.  They have been blessed with two daughters who went through both years of the program.  Upon Mrs. Seiberling's retirement in 2021, they began training to become licensed directors for both the Nashville and Williamson County chapters.  

Suzette Wimpy, Director, received her Bachelor Degree in Business Administration before working as a music industry executive for many years.  She and her husband Kevin, also have operated a professional portrait studio, Kevin Wimpy Portraits,  in Franklin for nearly 20 years.  Suzette is active in the community through church and philantropic work.  Over the years she has led teams on mission trips overseas, been a Girl Scout Troop leader, and served on the board for the Made in the Streets Ministry.  The skills she garnered through this work will help her lead and instruct your children.  

Kevin Wimpy, Director, received his degree at Middle Tenenessee State University.  Prior to launching Kevin Wimpy Portraits,  he garnered extensive experience in business administration and marketing, as well as serving our community in law enforcement.   He is also active in the community through church, volunteering, and has served on a mission committee and as a board member for the Made in the Streets Ministry.  

    "We look forward to teaching your children and continuing the great work accomplished by this wonderful program"

Image titleNLJC Nashville & Williamson County 2021-22 Teaching & Administrative Staff