Welcome to the NLJC Moore Chapter. The 2016/2017 junior cotillion season will begin this fall. Registration has already started and class size is limited. Please contact us for more information or to register your child.
The National League of Junior Cotillion is a program of etiquette, ethics, manners and social dance training with licensed chapters in 26 states. The purpose of the Junior Cotillion program is to give young people instruction and practice in courtesies that make life more pleasant for them and those around them. Having the knowledge of social skills is important for every child’s success in life. Junior Cotillion provides the instruction that will help your child become a self-confident young lady or gentleman. The rules of etiquette, ethics and manners are designed to make sure everyone knows what to do in social situations so no one will feel uncomfortable. Training in standard ballroom dancing gives young people a social skill that they can enjoy their entire life. The etiquette in social dance encompasses all aspects of proper behavior. Classes provide opportunities to learn and practice new skills in a safe and comfortable environment. The classes are comprised of equal numbers of ladies and gentlemen. Participants have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in a controlled social setting.
About the Director
Susan Schlossberg is an award winning cotillion director from Lynchburg and resides in the Roanoke Valley. She enjoys teaching manners, etiquette, and social dance to young people and attempts to make this endeavor a life-long but fun passion for all.