National League of Junior Cotillions
Charleston Chapter
The National League of Junior Cotillions, with a copyrighted curriculum, is designed to give young people instruction and practice in the courtesies that make life more pleasant for them and those around them; to give them thorough training in dance basics; and to provide opportunities to practice and enjoy these skills at memorable balls, dinners and events, complete with decorations, refreshments, favors and prizes.
The Pre-Cotillion program setting encourages children to feel comfortable together, make new friends, and enjoy themselves. Through role-playing, hands-on experience, and storytelling in a peer group, young ladies and gentlemen will leave the program with the beginning of confidence and poise that comes from knowing the proper thing to do.
PRE-COTILLION I (Rising First-Second Grade)
• Manners in the Home
• Being Introduced
• Paying and Receiving Compliments
• Birthday Party Etiquette
• Basic Table Manners
PRE-COTILLION II (Rising Third Grade)
• Manners in the Home
• Greeting and Shaking Hands
• Rules of Introduction
• Sports Etiquette
• Fast Food Etiquette
• Correspondence (Thank You Notes & RSVPs)
• More Advanced Table Manners
• Basic Line Dance
The National League of Junior Cotillions copyrighted program has been directed by Mary Kennerty in Mount Pleasant for over 28 years and is now under the direction of Charles Winters II and Jenna Winters. It is 'the social event' for the children. of Mount Pleasant. Each class builds on the previous. The social and character education components of the program include: formal table manners, greetings and introductions, interview tips, netiquette courtesy, 'how to's' of conversation and networking, appropriate behavior in group settings, refreshment etiquette, escorting and seating, paying and receiving compliments, polite conversation, manners in the home, responsibilities of a guest, host/hostess, and many other areas of social behavior. All students are presented dance instruction in the Foxtrot or Waltz and the Charleston Shag as well as a current, popular line dance. Our ethics program emphasizes ‘keeping your word’ and taking responsibility for yourself. Classes are fun and educational. Our Cotillion program's continuation depends on 'word of mouth'. Will you please spread the word about our program to your friends, school acquiantances and family?
Classes - The Charleston Junior Cotillion, National League of Junior Cotillion sessions are dress-up affairs for which careful grooming is required. Hair should be neatly combed, fingernails clipped and clean, and shoes polished and so forth. Dancing requires hard soled shoes; no open toe shoes, athletic shoes or flip flops please. Ladies should wear conservative Sunday knee length dresses or skirts, short white gloves, and flat smooth soled dress shoes for dances. Gentlemen should wear khaki pants, dress shirts, ties, navy or dark blazers and smooth soled dress shoes