National League of Junior Cotillions
South Brevard Chapter
We will have Season 1 ( 5th Graders), Season 2 ( 6th & 7th Grade; 8th & 9th Grade) and Premiere (Season 3)
Classes are held at the Tides Collocated Club, 1001 N Highway A1A, Patrick SFB, 32925
Season 1 ( 5th Grade) classes will be on Sundays
Season 2 ( 6th & 7th grade; 8th & 9th grade) classes will be on Sundays
Premiere ( Season 3) Dates, Times and Venues vary
Please note- your student's spot is NOT reserved until the deposit is paid.
Ladies- Age appropriate dress or blouse with a skirt. Shoes need to have a strap around the heel ( no slides please) or flats work well.
White gloves (tea length) are required. I will be placing an order if you do not own a pair. Please bring $5 cash to the first Class.
Spring Ball- Our Ladies attire will be white dresses with dress shoes and white gloves.
Gentlemen: Navy Blue ( or Dark) Blazer with collared shirt ( preferably white), tie, khaki pants and loafer type shoes ( non athletic please).
Spring Ball- Same as Class attire.