Remember to respond to the invitation in a timely manner.  Hosting a party requires a great deal of planning and preparation.  Your quick response will be greatly appreciated.

Hostess Gift

A thoughtful way to show you are grateful for being invited to a holiday party is to bring a small personal gift for the host or hostess.  Remember to include your name with the gift so the host or hostess will know who to thank.

Something to Share

You may also offer to bring a dish to share amongst the guests.  It is always wonderful to ask the host or hostess what they would like for you to bring in order to avoid arriving with a dish that another guest has brought as well.

Cell Phone- Be both Physically and Mentally Present

Remember to keep your phone away at the gathering. Take this time to enjoy sentimental and cherished moments with friends and family. This also helps with enhancing your social skills and keeps you engaged in whatever activities are occurring.

Clean Up- Always Offer to Help

A common gesture after a holiday gathering is to respectably offer to assist with the cleanup. Leaving without popping the question would be very inconsiderate to your host or hostess. Lastly, do not forget to send a special thank you note to your host. Knowing the stressful responsibilities of being a host, this thank you note would be a delight for them to receive.

Enjoy and make memories that will last a lifetime!