In today’s culture, social media is ultimately an incredible tool. Outlets such as Facebook and Twitter have become primary sources for news and current events. Instagram allows individuals who live on opposite sides of the world to share their lives with each other through photos. While these social media sources act as beneficial communication channels, there is often much room for displays of poor character and weak ownership of basic manners. Apply these concepts to avoid miscommunication via social media sources.

1. Know the difference between business and personal.

Several corporations obviously require employees to maintain a sense of dignity and formality in and out of a work context. If your occupation requires you to have social media accounts, restrain from using personal details or sharing activities unassociated with work. In these contexts it is often a good idea to create two separate accounts; One for business and another for personal matters. The bottom line is that your business obligation should always offset your personal predispositions.

2. Be mindful when tagging friends and family.

We have all encountered posts that seemed a little too embarrassing for the internet. Before posting a photo, story, or comment about someone else, always think about the repercussions. As yourself: Will the post offend someone? or Does this picture display him or her in an undermining light? Regardless of the content type, it is always polite to request permission from an individual to tag them in your post.

3. Avoid filling your social media accounts with complaints.

It isn’t uncommon to log onto a social media outlet and read endless remarks wrapped in negativity. Minding your manners means avoiding the urge to fill people’s feed with a limitless stream of negative occurrences from your day. While releasing these complaints may make you feel better momentarily, it allows people to question your character. In times of frustration, it is better to simply put down your phone and work through your issues with a constructive approach.

4. Social media is not the place for you to present a long list of achievements.

While we all have endeavors that we take pride in and would like to share with those around us, doing so online makes one seem very shallow. It is proper to, despite numerous accomplishments, remain humble and avoid promoting a personal agenda on social media. While it is good to share the joys of life, avoid making others feel poorly about their own lives at the expense of your boastful attitude.

5. When interacting with others on social media, avoid failing to respond.

If you have a very productive social media network, it may be a huge hassle to respond to every interaction within your posts. However, it still displays an admirable composure by attempting to correspond with those who have reached out to you by a public media source. Neglecting to do so could leave one feeling neglected and irrelevant. If someone takes the time to comment a kind word, be sure to take the extra time to express gratitude.

Social media is a growing phenomenon in today’s society. Be sure to adhere to these guidelines to display proper etiquette when engaging in this field of networking.