You received an invitation to a party, and you are so excited to mingle with friends and family.

Be sure to apply these easy etiquette tips the next time you hold the responsibility of being a guest.

1. Call in advance if you are going to be absent.
Besides the fact that doing so helps practice polite social behavior, it also allows the host to be able to adjust plans according to the amount of people in attendance. When doing so, give the host plenty of notice so that they are not blindsided right before the event.
2. Arrive and depart promptly.
Arriving late can be a major distraction to what is going on at the event, and it is also disrespectful.  Conversely, staying long after the festivities have ended is not ideal.
3. Be absolutely quite when the host or hostess is speaking.
Out of respect for the host, refrain from talking and direct all of your attention to what they are saying, when addressing those in attendance.  This shows that you value what they have to say, and that you are thankful for the invitation that they graciously offered you.
4. Enter in the spirit of the party.
While it is true that all things do not appeal equally to all people, by expressing your apparent ill will, you will surely put a damper on the overall livelihood of the party. Remember, the perfect guest appears to be enjoying the party whether he or she is or not!
5. Show respect for the decorations.
Decorations should always be enjoyed and not destroyed.
6. Leave no evidence behind.
As a guest, it is solely your responsibility to be aware of any potential messes and dispose of them properly.  This alleviates extra duties from the host.
7. Be courteous towards others.
Always keep in mind that a smile or a friendly word can make all the difference in someone else’s enjoyment of the event.  An elite guest always works to make those around them feel as comfortable as possible.
8. Express Appreciation.
When it comes time to exit, always combine a gracious “good-bye” with a kind comment on the party, such as, “Thank you; the punch was exquisite.”

Stick with these tips, and you will be the best guest—and possibly score another invite.